Welcome to Fancy Pet Rats Florida

At Fancy Pet Rats Florida, we pride ourselves on providing you with fun, clean, healthy, friendly, and soft-to-pet fancy rats. Raised on a diet of Mazuri rat food and fresh veggies, our rats are carefully selected, healthily raised, and temperament tested to ensure they make the perfect companions for your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes our fancy rats unique?

Our rats are unique because they are ready to bond with you as their permanent family. We regularly hear heart-warming stories about our fancy rats bonding well with their new owners.

Additionally, our friendly fancy rats are... absolutely adorable and gorgeous! They are also sweet, intelligent, responsive, and amazing pets! 🌟🐀🐀🐀💞

How do I care for my new fancy rats?

To care for your new fancy rats, read up as much as you can about them! Basically, you'll want to provide a balanced diet with fresh water, a clean habitat, access to health care when needed, and plenty of love with social interaction and enrichment activities.

What supplies do I need for my fancy rats?

You need high-quality rat food, comfortable bedding, a spacious habitat, and engaging toys to keep your fancy rats healthy and happy.

About Us

Fancy Pet Rats Florida is dedicated to providing you with cherished fancy rat companions. Our breeders make entirely joint decisions about which rats are paired and why.


In experiencing all types of platforms, we prefer our website to show you our rats. You won't find our rats on social media... Other platforms may be entertaining or even engaging, but we have seen too many other breeders use their personal pages in ways that don't interest us. Instead, most of our adopters return to us, so our ethically raised rats do well in real life.


We're thrilled to show you what we're doing here, occasionally sharing availability on Craigslist, and especially in personal communications with you! We are passionate about our rats and committed to supporting the health and well-being of each animal. Find out more today about the joy of owning fancy pet rats!